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Branding Naomi LLC

Breaking generational chains one experience at a time.

Healing, one experience at a time.

You have the power to change your story. You are your way out.
-Naomi Teshia

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About Naomi Teshia

I am an above average boss babe learning to live life, love life and continue to love myself during the process. Realizing, life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of what you do about it. The number one thing many of us fail to do is realize our problem, know we have a problem and healing from those problems. 


If you want to live an happier life, let go of your past and heal or continue to block your own blessings for the rest of your life. And remember, healing is an ongoing process.




Enjoy my website as you see me express myself through my many talents.

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Phone: 980-277-0701

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